We are pleased that you have chosen to join our group of volunteer supporters and look forward to forging a life-long relationship with you. Many of our current members have invested decades with us and some have even grown up here at the museum. The Museum is a public place for everyone to enjoy. To ensure everyone's enjoyment, your respect of the following rules and regulations is sincerely appreciated.
Should questions arise, please contact the museum office at (760) 941-1791 or email us from our website at agsem.org.
The museum site is leased from the County of San Diego Parks & Recreation Dept. We currently enjoy the longest lease ever granted by the from tie County (50 years) to a non-profit organization. Those terms were granted largely on our should record of safety and public service. The Museum Director is the designated leasehold manager and all queries be directed to the Museum Office. To fulfill the obligations of our lease we require that:
- Trespassing on the Native American Archaeological site on our property is forbidden.
- No unauthorized Construction or Excavation is allowed.
- Children and Pets must be supervised at all times. Children are not allowed to play with, climb on, or operate equipment on the property except in the designated playground area. Children are not allowed to operate equipment, especially during public presentations. Children may not ride without a platform or other provision to ensure safety.
- Dirt Bikes, ATCs, Quad Racers and Off-Road Vehicles are prohibited.
- Camping and Overnight Parking is allowed only with prior approval. Campfires only in designated areas. Personal Property and Equipment cannot be left on the Museum grounds. Unauthorized property will be considered a donation to the Museum or subiect to removal or disposal at the owner's expense. The Museum Office must be notified before any equipment is brought on or removed from the property except Show traffic.
- Loans of tractors or equipment are allowed only with prior approval. Applications must be submitted and approval granted before items are brought on site. Loans may be granted only to Regular or Life Members. Museum Loans are intended to enhance the Museum's collection, not provide storage for private collections. Adoptions of museum equipment are granted only to Regular or Life Members. Applications must be submitted and approval granted before work begins.
- Theft in any form will result in prosecution and expulsion from the organization. All items on the grounds belong to the museum or someone else. They are not available for parts.
- The safety of our members, visitors and local environment is paramount here on the grounds. Any Board Member, Staff, Live-On Attendant or Museum Volunteer is empowered to report and stop unsafe operation of equipment or practices on the grounds. For everyone's safety, please remember:
- Fighting or Abusive Language will not be tolerated. Offenders will be expelled from the property and membership suspended. AGSEMiscommittedtoprovideanenvironmentthatispleasant,productive,andfreefromdiscrimination. In keeping with state and federal laws Policy #12-Non-discrimination Statement and Policy includes but is not limited to harassment based on race, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender. Please show respect and courtesy when using workshops, tools, areas, artifacts, equipment, or any other items belonging to the Museum or your fellow members. It is YOUR responsibility to repair or replace anything you break or use. Operation of Vehicles, Equipment or Machine Tools is prohibited unless you can demonstrate competence in that machine's operation. Ask before you use equipment. Unsafe operation of equipment will result in loss of privileges.
- Waste Disposal: Drop off of waste of any kind is prohibited. Disposal of toxic wastes (i.e., engine drain oil) is the responsibility of each individual and must be disposed of off-site according to law. Anyone caught dumping or disposing of waste in an unsafe manner is subject to immediate expulsion from the organization and will be reported to the authorities.
Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with these rules and regulations. If you should have any questions or clarification on any museum policy or rules and regulations please feel free to contact the Museum office.